37 Hammocks Way $56,900.00

Property #: 931 
Address:  Edisto Island, SC
Finished Area: 0.75 acres 
Property Taxes: $1,226.34

This .75 acre lot is located inside the private gated community of The Hammocks. Imagine yourself sitting on your front porch enjoying the vast amount of wildlife and listening to the waves crash on the beach! This lot is full of beautiful live oaks and palm trees and has a great view of the marsh. The Hammocks has community sewer, boat ramp, and dock. Put in your kayak, canoe, or small boat and putt around Scott Creek to catch crabs, fish, and shrimp, or pull up to the bank and enjoy the beach. Come check out this hidden gem.

  Sea Island Group
142 Jungle Road
Edisto Island, SC

Agent: Realtor Kelly Hyatt
Sea Island Group
142 Jungle Road
Edisto Island, SC
Phone: 843-425-5759
Alternate Phone: 843-869-3163
Fax: 843-202-8850
www: www.EdistoRealEstateKelly.com