795 Shagule Rd $78,500.00

Property #: 951 
Address:  Edisto Island, SC
Size:  3 acres 

High wooded corner lot with scenic marshland. Contains 2.56 acres high land and .439 acres marsh. Frontage on Oyster Factory Rd. Only 3.5 miles to Edisto Beach. Three-bedroom septic permit in hand.

Realtor Al McCormack Sea Island Group
142 Jungle Road
Edisto Island, SC

Agent: Realtor Al McCormack
Sea Island Realty
142 Jungle Road, PO Box 40
Edisto Island, SC
Phone: 843-869-3163
Alternate Phone: 843-209-4540
Fax: 843-869-3006
www: seaislandrealty.com