8441 Middleton Point Lane $1,200,000.00

Property #: 1122 
Address:  Tract A Middleton Point Lane
Edisto Island, SC
Size:  2.7 ft2 
Frontage: 388 ft 
Property Taxes: $6,928.00

EDISTO’S ICONIC CREEKFRONT HOMESITE adjoining the Middleton Plantation Home. 10’+/- at MLW, Dock Permit Pending for Fixed Pierhead w/roof, large float, & 4 pile boatlift. SW Exposure captures prevailing sea breezes; panoramic views of creeks/marsh/distant islands. Approximately 388’ on Store Creek & 500’ of marsh frontage make ’’life a breeze’’. Excellent elevation with a nice homesite in the ’’X’’ Flood Zone. THIS IS AS GOOD AS IT GETS !!

 Associate Broker Jim  Kempson Sea Island Group
142 Jungle Road
Edisto Island, SC

Agent: Associate Broker Jim  Kempson
Sea Island Group
142 Jungle Road or P.O. Box 40
Edisto Island, SC
Phone: 843-509-6890
Alternate Phone: 843-869-3163
Fax: 843-869-3006
www: seaislandrealty.com